Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Random rambling. . .

FINALLY, life is starting to settle down. No, not really, who am I kidding? The garden is coming to an end - everything came all at once, it was almost stressful! I'm pretty sure I've made the last batch of pickles for the year, finally :-) Just waiting for my pumpkins (which are doing beautifully!), and the last of the corn (which tastes amazing!!), and then the season will be DONE. I'm doubtful I will get any butternut squash, unless the frost stays away for at least another month (unlikely), my bottleneck gourds have started appearing (of course, at the end of the season), hoping they grow fast because I was hoping to make birdhouses out of them. Next year I am totally going to try and grow a gigantic pumpkin, and see just how big a zucchini can get (I've had 2 top off at just about 10 lbs. . . ), just because.

This year was an amazing "beginning year" for gardening. I'm so proud of what I grew and made as a result. It's going to be difficult to go back to the "organic" produce from the store for sure - however I may set up a little room in the basement to grow a few things over the winter. Honestly, lettuce and tomatoes from the store kinda taste gross to me now. I read this really hilarious article called Surviving Whole Foods, so, so true, and so, so funny. Go read it, because my brain doesn't feel like explaining what its all about.

The kids are finally back to school. I definitely thought I'd have some downtime in the mornings, since my youngest started Kindergarden. Nope. Been busy catching up with housework, work, and random other stuff. It never stops around here lol. Today I have to make some bread, which is pretty much an all day event, even though there's periods of time it has to be left alone to rise, I still have to keep an eye on it. I also think I may make some zucchini cookies or muffins, or at least grate the 7 I have and freeze 'em (note to self: plant less zucchini next year.) *Side note: Bread didn't work out. The only explanation I have is that I went into Automatic Behavior mode and turned my flippin' oven off at some point. . . Went to take it out of the oven, the oven was cold, and it wasn't even half cooked. #$@!!!!! Currently don't see any motivation in the cards to make it again this week. Store bought it is!) *

It's my hubby's 40th birthday today! And he doesn't look a day over it ;-) And to think I'm panicking about hitting 30 in another year.... I guess as long as you age gracefully it's all good right? I'm not sure how you go about doing that, but I've heard it's do-able. Mind you I obviously get plenty of beauty sleep, because that's how I roll. Does it count as beauty sleep if you're getting it during the day? or only at night? I've been going through a brutal bought of insomnia, which is annoying as hell considering I HAVE NARCOLEPSY AND SHOULD BE ABLE TO SLEEP! Technically. But of course not, because it's a stupid disorder that makes no sense what so ever. . . Speaking of which, a fellow Narcoleptic, and author/advocate of the subject is currently hosting an amazing photo campaign to raise awareness for Narcolepsy/Sleep disorders. It would be spectacular if everyone could take a look at what the campaign, Narcolepsy: Not Alone, is all about, and take part! If you don't have Narcolepsy, but know someone who does (friend, family member?) you can get involved too! And if you're reading this, then you know someone that has it, so you have no excuse not to contribute! Hahahaha. Check out the gallery for some inspiration :-)  Anyways, take a boo at this link and make your photo contribution : Narcolepsy: Not Alone Campaign.

Well I'm all out of things to say right now. Tired. It's raining. Very blah day. And I am seriously lacking in the inspiration/motivation department... Check out the recipe's section, been posting in there frequently. That's about it.
