Monday, August 19, 2013

Making an appearance

Wow! I'm posting! I have been ridiculously busy these last few weeks with vacation, a trade fair, and coming home to a completely out of control garden! I think I've got things back down to a manageable point now. Mind you I have made a point of not walking through the garden checking on what needs to be picked the last few days... Just gone out to turn on the hose, move it, then turn it off! I'm almost overwhelmed with what I have been bringing home! Beans, peas, zucchini's, cucumbers, kohlrabi, carrots, beets, lettuce. . . In more than enough for us quantities! I was pickling something almost every day last week, and then I was down in Drumheller over the weekend making more $#@%ing pickles with my mother in law!!! It's a lot of work, but I can't wait to open up a jar and taste them! Patience isn't one of my strongest virtues. . . Waiting on my favorite's : tomatoes and peaches & cream corn too!


 This isn't even a quarter of what I pulled!

Pickled green beans = Cesar season!

Our family vacation up in Grande Cache was great! All 3 kids were actually manageable during the 8+ hour drive there, and home! Definitely a nice surprise. It rained quiet a bit, so we weren't able to do a few of the things we wanted, but did get a day of sight seeing in, and 2 trips to the lake for swimming. The Canadian Death Race was also taking place while we were there, it sounds like a phenomenal event to take part in! A 24 hour race that covers 125km, during which you will summit 3 mountains and run into a ton of wildlife! Goal for next August: Participate in the Death Race!

My 2 souvenirs from our trip: Cricket & Scorpion Lollipops!

A couple new recipe's are up, with pictures! Remember, everything I post I have cooked and tried for myself :-) Obviously I'm not the best at plate presentation, but really, who takes the time to place everything "just so" when you're serving a meal?!

Friendly reminder to join The Narcoleptic Housewife on Facebook , for daily interactions! I've also started a support group for everyone looking to make healthy, positive changes to their lifestyle; the group is closed, so you will have to request to join, all are welcome @ Fit & Fabulous with K ;-)

The Narcoleptic Housewife

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