Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Random rambling. . .

FINALLY, life is starting to settle down. No, not really, who am I kidding? The garden is coming to an end - everything came all at once, it was almost stressful! I'm pretty sure I've made the last batch of pickles for the year, finally :-) Just waiting for my pumpkins (which are doing beautifully!), and the last of the corn (which tastes amazing!!), and then the season will be DONE. I'm doubtful I will get any butternut squash, unless the frost stays away for at least another month (unlikely), my bottleneck gourds have started appearing (of course, at the end of the season), hoping they grow fast because I was hoping to make birdhouses out of them. Next year I am totally going to try and grow a gigantic pumpkin, and see just how big a zucchini can get (I've had 2 top off at just about 10 lbs. . . ), just because.

This year was an amazing "beginning year" for gardening. I'm so proud of what I grew and made as a result. It's going to be difficult to go back to the "organic" produce from the store for sure - however I may set up a little room in the basement to grow a few things over the winter. Honestly, lettuce and tomatoes from the store kinda taste gross to me now. I read this really hilarious article called Surviving Whole Foods, so, so true, and so, so funny. Go read it, because my brain doesn't feel like explaining what its all about.

The kids are finally back to school. I definitely thought I'd have some downtime in the mornings, since my youngest started Kindergarden. Nope. Been busy catching up with housework, work, and random other stuff. It never stops around here lol. Today I have to make some bread, which is pretty much an all day event, even though there's periods of time it has to be left alone to rise, I still have to keep an eye on it. I also think I may make some zucchini cookies or muffins, or at least grate the 7 I have and freeze 'em (note to self: plant less zucchini next year.) *Side note: Bread didn't work out. The only explanation I have is that I went into Automatic Behavior mode and turned my flippin' oven off at some point. . . Went to take it out of the oven, the oven was cold, and it wasn't even half cooked. #$@!!!!! Currently don't see any motivation in the cards to make it again this week. Store bought it is!) *

It's my hubby's 40th birthday today! And he doesn't look a day over it ;-) And to think I'm panicking about hitting 30 in another year.... I guess as long as you age gracefully it's all good right? I'm not sure how you go about doing that, but I've heard it's do-able. Mind you I obviously get plenty of beauty sleep, because that's how I roll. Does it count as beauty sleep if you're getting it during the day? or only at night? I've been going through a brutal bought of insomnia, which is annoying as hell considering I HAVE NARCOLEPSY AND SHOULD BE ABLE TO SLEEP! Technically. But of course not, because it's a stupid disorder that makes no sense what so ever. . . Speaking of which, a fellow Narcoleptic, and author/advocate of the subject is currently hosting an amazing photo campaign to raise awareness for Narcolepsy/Sleep disorders. It would be spectacular if everyone could take a look at what the campaign, Narcolepsy: Not Alone, is all about, and take part! If you don't have Narcolepsy, but know someone who does (friend, family member?) you can get involved too! And if you're reading this, then you know someone that has it, so you have no excuse not to contribute! Hahahaha. Check out the gallery for some inspiration :-)  Anyways, take a boo at this link and make your photo contribution : Narcolepsy: Not Alone Campaign.

Well I'm all out of things to say right now. Tired. It's raining. Very blah day. And I am seriously lacking in the inspiration/motivation department... Check out the recipe's section, been posting in there frequently. That's about it.


Monday, August 19, 2013

Making an appearance

Wow! I'm posting! I have been ridiculously busy these last few weeks with vacation, a trade fair, and coming home to a completely out of control garden! I think I've got things back down to a manageable point now. Mind you I have made a point of not walking through the garden checking on what needs to be picked the last few days... Just gone out to turn on the hose, move it, then turn it off! I'm almost overwhelmed with what I have been bringing home! Beans, peas, zucchini's, cucumbers, kohlrabi, carrots, beets, lettuce. . . In more than enough for us quantities! I was pickling something almost every day last week, and then I was down in Drumheller over the weekend making more $#@%ing pickles with my mother in law!!! It's a lot of work, but I can't wait to open up a jar and taste them! Patience isn't one of my strongest virtues. . . Waiting on my favorite's : tomatoes and peaches & cream corn too!


 This isn't even a quarter of what I pulled!

Pickled green beans = Cesar season!

Our family vacation up in Grande Cache was great! All 3 kids were actually manageable during the 8+ hour drive there, and home! Definitely a nice surprise. It rained quiet a bit, so we weren't able to do a few of the things we wanted, but did get a day of sight seeing in, and 2 trips to the lake for swimming. The Canadian Death Race was also taking place while we were there, it sounds like a phenomenal event to take part in! A 24 hour race that covers 125km, during which you will summit 3 mountains and run into a ton of wildlife! Goal for next August: Participate in the Death Race!

My 2 souvenirs from our trip: Cricket & Scorpion Lollipops!

A couple new recipe's are up, with pictures! Remember, everything I post I have cooked and tried for myself :-) Obviously I'm not the best at plate presentation, but really, who takes the time to place everything "just so" when you're serving a meal?!

Friendly reminder to join The Narcoleptic Housewife on Facebook , for daily interactions! I've also started a support group for everyone looking to make healthy, positive changes to their lifestyle; the group is closed, so you will have to request to join, all are welcome @ Fit & Fabulous with K ;-)

The Narcoleptic Housewife

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Hey! I had posted to my facebook page that there would be a new post today! It won't be up until later tonight (hopefully). I'm doing some minor re-constructing of how this is all set up, which has taken a priority right now. Because I don't have enough on my plate to deal with right now lol. Stay tuned, I promise you'll love what's to come!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

What happens when your brain starts to function again?.... CHAOS

Everything has been a mess here! But I've finally found some time to sit in front of the computer today!

Between power outages, a crashing computer, my husband leaving for work (which a) we were NOT expecting and b) when he accepted the position he was literally on a flight up to Northern Alberta 2 days later), trade show planning, and my brain suddenly functioning again, things have been quiet chaotic with me, lol.

The weather here, well, everywhere, is insane this summer! Hot days and stormy nights, I think my power has gone out every single night the last 2 weeks. I've stopped re-setting the clocks. I've had luck on my side and haven't had a single bit of hail hit my garden, but the town next to mine hasn't been. All the trees and flowers were stripped down to nothing, siding and shingles damaged on all the buildings and houses. It's amazing what Mother Nature's fury can do. I find it humbling, a reminder that there will always be something more powerful, vengeful and controlling than we can ever imagine. It's amazing how something so beautiful can turn so ugly, and back again in the blink of an eye. (There have been a few days I have wished my garden was destroyed by the weather... Everything is literally growing faster than I can keep up with! Needless to say my neighbors are enjoying all the fresh produce they are getting from me lol).

Trying to get my Younique venture up and running is also taking a lot of time, even more so now that my brain function is coming back (haha. Seriously, I'm firing out ideas and plans like there's no tomorrow. It's almost ridiculous). I'm looking forward to a few trade shows, one in August for 3 days, which is also the FIRST trade show I have ever done :-) I really hope get some networking done and make some great connections with people. I love working, and I do miss it a lot. I feel lucky to have been able to take advantage of the opportunity I have working as an independent Younique presenter. It gives me the control and flexibility I need with having Narcolepsy, and trying to make a living at the same time.

I'm struggling slightly with being home alone now. I mean, I'm fine with being alone, that doesn't bother me. But I feel so disorganized and overwhelmed with everything now. Everything I try to get done just doesn't, or is undone so quickly it's like I never accomplished anything. The kid's and I are leaving for Grande Cache next week, and I'm panicking about packing bags and getting laundry done. Like, actually having anxiety attacks. It's not a huge deal, really, it's a simple task. My brain just doesn't want to focus on that, instead it wants to think about a zillion things all at once and overwhelm me; it's so bitter-sweet; I love that I can think clearly and get excited about a lot of what I'm thinking right now, but it's been so long I just don't know what to do with it all. There's so much to do and there's time to do it, but I can't find it or manage it well enough.Which bothers me, I'm usually a time Nazi!  Usually I am busy doing things around the house, but my brain is on auto-drive and I honestly don't even realize what I'm doing usually (thank you automatic behavior!lol). But now I'm aware of every little thing I am doing, like my brain has finally come out of it's Narcoleptic Coma, and all the stuff I would normally not care too much about doing MUST BE DONE . . I think I need Wade here to tell me to sit down and relax and stop thinking at some point during the day. To take the pen and paper out of my hands, or remind me that I DON'T HAVE to get whatever done RIGHT NOW.   I can't do it myself, obviously. But I have no choice but to figure out how, now with him working away from home (which is so awesome! We've been waiting for this opportunity for too long, and I am so proud of him for stepping up and sacrificing being home every night/spending time with his family and taking the opportunity he was given.) A total burn out is likely at some point, I know this for fact, unless I can get my brain back under control without sacrificing having "me" back. I don't want to let the rabbit out of the bag yet and say just why I believe my brain is "coming back", in case, like everything else, it's a temporary fix that will wear off in a few weeks. It's amazing though, the feeling of having the creativity that left so many years ago come flooding back like it never left! My brain has been in a fog for so many years, and everything coded and jumbled up making it senseless and useless to me for so long. I'm excited, but still acknowledge that this could be short lived. Maybe that's why I don't want to stop; I want to get as much creativity, ideas, plans, thoughts, ramblings, notes and sketches out of me as possible, just in case...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Monday, July 8, 2013

I KNOW! I'm not good with keeping schedules, let alone a blogging schedule :-/ I just tinkered around today, added a few pages (Check out My Business Ventures tab!). I will be spending A LOT of time on this tomorrow, getting at least all the pages set up and happenin'. So check back tomorrow night! I'm going back to bed, hahaha!

The Narcoleptic Housewife

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Opening Remarks

Whoo-hoo! First blog post! This is exciting!! I suppose we'll start things off casual, with a brief intro of myself.

My name is Kassia, a.k.a The Narcoleptic Housewife.  I live in a small town in Alberta, Canada, have 2 great girls and an awesome fiancee. And I have fish - I love them :-) I don't plan on this blogg being primarily about Narcolepsy, more or less its a documentation of me giving N the finger. I've decided to completely change my life, for the better, and try to find peace, or at least a common ground, with the disease and myself, I've really got nothing to lose, and everything to gain. So mostly you'll get to read about my (mis) adventures on adopting a healthy lifestyle, sustainable living (this has become a hobby, so to say), some recipes, some DIY projects, random thoughts, whatever else I feel like blogging about... Basically a bunch of stuff I'm trying, adopting, etc. I assume that many people in all walks of life will be able to relate at some point or another, or maybe they won't but will keep coming back for some good recipe's and DIY projects, who knows :-)

So this will likely be the only post you see regarding my "condition", I'll run through it quick ;-) I was diagnosed with Narcolepsy in 2009, after living in hell for 13 years (my symptoms started when I was around 11 or 12). I went 13 years being misdiagnosed with random things, and had to take unnecessary medications. Fast forward to 2013 - no available treatments for the Narcolepsy symptoms I deal with daily have worked. 4 years of popping more useless pills... The side effects were either too much to handle, or, the medications just didn't work. I was pretty much devastated when I learned that Narcolepsy was not curable, shortly after being diagnosed, and learning that there are currently no other forms of "medical" treatment available to help manage my symptoms (within the last year) was almost harder to deal with. Out of options, I've decided to try and take charge of my life, and live with this ridiculous disease as best as I can. I have goals, I have interests, I want to have hobbies. I can't think of any better way to "stay on track" than making everything public and having random strangers keep me in line with comments, lol. It's so easy to get into a rut and spend years stuck in it, I haven't let myself get to that place yet, and plan on making every attempt possible to avoid it.

I should also mention, it's been years since I've sat down to write more than a "To-Do" list, or a note reminding me that I need to do the stuff on the "To-Do" list & that it is on the fridge or the counter if I need to review it. I used to write a lot when I was younger, and attended writers conferences frequently, so I assume at some point I'll be back at it decently. It may take a few posts to get back into the swing of things so to say - excuse the poor sentence / paragraph structures for now :-)

Well I think I'm off to a good start so far! Drafting of official first post commences now and will be up soon!

The Narcoleptic Housewife